Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Continuity Editing Example

I thought that the movie Hangover was a great example of Continuity editing. This video shows continuous and seemingly uninterrupted flow of action between shots. There is also examples of eye line match when the guys are being interrogated by the cops.  We can see them going back in forth. We also see the 180 degree imaginary line. We cannot see any cuts between scenes. We also see flashback technique takes us back in time reminding us where the characters was and where they ended up.  


  1. Bridgethia, these are great examples, but could you please comment on them more? Explain why you think they're appropriate, or why you chose them. I love the fact you're including examples -- I'd like to see you commenting on them more.

    1. Great. Nice job of adding explanation and using the language of our class.
