Tuesday, March 22, 2016

18-Minute Analysis By Christopher Nolan On Story & Construction Of Memento

Listen to the director comment on how he structured Memento.  What new insights does it bring you about the art of film making?  What insights does it give you about the relationship between the story and the film?


  1. Nolan does a great job of putting the audience in Leonard's shoes. As he says in the video the movie is in a mostly subjective viewpoint with Leonard being the subject and the narrator. Because of this the audience is forced to see and think about things in the same way as Leonard, almost as if they share his condition. As Leonard explores his world for seemingly the first time over and over again, so does the audience. Even though different in some aspects the film also has similarities to the story that lie heavily in the jumping back and forth between different scenes or points in time. As Nolan states the film sets the color and black and white scenes between one another, showing the audience a cliffhanger or memorable scene in one instance and the going back in time to show how that came about or how its resolved. Both the film and director as well as the story and its author do a great job of capturing a truly subjective first person point of view, but at the same time effectively telling the story in a unique way with its backwards explanation.

    1. In the sense that you talk about it, Patrick, this is a "traditional translation." And I agree with you. One other thing that makes this film different from our other films to date is that the two brothers appear to have been working on their stories at the same time. So it may not be a total adaptation.

  2. The director does an awesome job at getting the audience to feel what is going on in Lenard's world. It's sort of weird that you kind of feel like your living the life that Leonard is living just through watching him. I agree with Patrick that the director did a great job of capturing the first person point of view as well as being creative with the story telling.

    1. yeah, it is pretty awesome. Your description of how the audienced is asked to feel is good. As a potential film maker, you may want to analyze more closely how he does that!
