Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Necessary Changes

Cornell's short story saw a lot of changes when adapted to Alfred Hitchcock's film version. As it is common for film to create a love story to appeal to more viewers, the film version lost the character Sam. However, this changed much of what makes Jeffrey the character he is. In the story, the relationship between Jeffrey and Sam is strange and unclear. This is just one aspect that makes Jeffrey seem more creepy in the story. In the story he was read to be slightly creepy as he seemed to be obsessed with his neighbors rather than just be curious. In the movie, his career as a photographer makes it a lot more understandable as he is used to making stories out of what he sees. In order to create a believable love story, Jeffrey had to be an interesting person with a good motive for his spying. Therefore, the scrapping of the character Sam and making him a photographer was necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I think you're onto something Jeremy. Jeff is creepy in the story, and his relationship with Sam may have been a bit too much to ask of an audience in 1954. By turning Sam into a gorgeous blonde, not only did Hitchcock have a love story, but he was catering to the 1950's notion of what was expected in love and romance.
