Thursday, March 3, 2016

Rear Window Analysis

             Hitchcock shows us a different perspective on how to view people. He uses Jeff as the protagonist to view others in perspective someone normally wouldn't. Imagine someone watching every move you make without you even knowing, seems kind of creepy right? Hitchcock makes both the read and film suspenseful, either through the words read or the actions shown. Now that we have read the story and watched the film we can compare and contrast on what's different and what is similar between the two. I think it was interesting how in the story we found out at the end that our protagonist is in a wheelchair, but obviously in the movie we see it right away. He leaves us wondering with the subject, was it really murder?

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget, Rylee; Hitchcock directed the film; he did not write the story. Yeah, it is creepy. Do give some details on how he makes it so.
