Monday, February 8, 2016

Citizen Kane - How to Run a Newspaper


  1. This scene is by far one of my favorites from this film! I very much so enjoy scenes that are intense. By no means may the average person feel that this is intense as it seems to be a mere conversation. BUT, the camera position is what makes it that way. When Mr. Thatcher is scolding Kane he is above him and we can see from the angle him looking down at him and Kane looking small and timid while he listens. Afterwards Thatcher levels with him to have a conversation and we can feel the intensity lesson to a back and forth conversation. Lastly, we grow with the camera and heighten when Kane stands up to prove his point. With these angles we can see and feel how the characters are being made to feel. That's the beauty of depicting and understanding camera angles in film.

    1. Yes! Absolutely! Nice discussion of how camera position produces intensity.
