Monday, February 8, 2016

Citizen Kane "RoseBud" Scene


  1. In this final scene of Citizen Kane we see an emotional approach of how Kane feels when Susan leaves for her better good. Much continuity editing is shown in this film by the dramatic "tearing the room to shreds" but as Kane leaves the room he grabs the one thing that meant most to him; his snow-globe. Personally being a psychology major I think Kane refers back to Rosebud(his sled) before he passes because childhood memories regard simpler times. Although Kane didn't get to really experience life as a child I think he ended his last words being Rosebud because I think it was his way of showing his self disclosure. Nobody would know what Rosebud was unless Kane actually told them. Kane may not have been comfortable enough with anyone to share his full self disclosure, but he sure knew to keep it with himself and be reminded to stay humble of where you come from. He did wonder what life would be like if he didn't have all this money. Rosebud reminds him of what was then and what could have been. Citizen Kane shows many great camera shots as well!

    1. It's possible, too, that he was suffering from arrested development--perhaps he never fully grew up! Very good comments on the psychology of the scene, and the editing techniques

  2. In this final scene we see Kane break down from Susan leaving him. We see how weak he gets when she isn't there for him anymore. I see that Kane feels alone and that he realizes now that having the world means nothing if you don't have anyone to share it with. In this scene there is an a eye-level shot after Susan walks out the door we see his emotion when she leaves. There is also some low angle shots when Kane is breaking everything in the room.

  3. Yes, and whose perspective does that eye level shot put the viewer in? To transition then to the low angle also forces the viewer into a particular frame of mind. Is it Kane's.?

  4. The eye level shot puts us in Kane's perspective . We see how hurt he really is. The low angle shots kind of shows us the downward spiral of Kane's emotions.
