Monday, February 15, 2016

More on Citizen Kane...

The above video is the original trailer for Citizen Kane, 1941. Unlike the movie trailers of today, this trailer gives much of the story away through dialogue and not visual montage in an effort to pull in the viewers. Working as writer, actor and commentator, Orson Wells invites the viewers to a personal experience through film and introduces the actors in the film. The trailer also works as a tool in presenting the debate of "Who is Charles Foster Kane?" By stating the many complex characteristics of Kane in this trailer, anyone viewing will be interested to know more about such a paradoxical man. In my own opinion, this trailer successfully sums up who Charles Foster Kane is. He is a underdeveloped man that is emotionally stuck in his adolescence due to the choices that his parents made. The overall film message exudes a psychologically meaning on the importance of upbringing. The choices and things experienced during childhood will directly show up in adult life, no matter what.



  1. I agree with your comment on Kane's upbringing. The issues that prevail in your childhood will follow you to adult hood and left unresolved, will eventually ruin you. The money sent Kane on a path of destruction faster than anything else could because in this world money talks, and he tried to use the money to solve his problems even while he recognized that money could not. I agree that a message that could be derived from the film is the importance of upbringing, but I think the destruction of money is one as well because everything that pushes the plot along deals with money: His parents practically sold him for money for example. The trailer was interesting, since I'm so used to trailers today. I liked the way they introduced the characters and that they were so sure of the success of this movie that they said, "You'll remember so and so's name soon enough". This was a good choice. I don't think people should be harsh on Kane, since his story is one that many people know, even if it isn't them personally. He's nothing like Trump. He at least sees some of his faults at times. Trump thinks he's always right.

  2. I think the tralier does a good job of making it clear that Mr. Kane is a man who has many different opinions about him. The scale ranges from hate to love, depending on the person, which Orson Welles mentions. Throughout the movie I found myself wondering what I thought of Mr.Kane as well. I could not make up my mind if he was a smart man or a man I should feel sorry for. I believe in the making of Citizen Kane Mr.Kane's character was meant to get the audience thinking. We are focused on the main plot of the movie which is to find out what Rosebud is, but as we follow Mr.Kane we cannot help but have conflicting feelings about him. Mr. Kanes character stirs up emotion between the character in the movie as well as the audience.

  3. Really nice additional resource on Citizen Kane, with thoughtful responses. thanks Ciara!
